Patchy definition


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4 definitions found

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Patchy \Patch"y\, a.
     Full of, or covered with, patches; abounding in patches.
     [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       adj : irregular or uneven in quality, texture, etc.; "a patchy
             essay"; "patchy fog"
       [also: {patchiest}, {patchier}]

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  211 Moby Thesaurus words for "patchy":
     adulterated, amalgamated, ambiguous, ambivalent, amphibious,
     arrested, bespangled, blemished, blended, blotched, blotchy,
     broken, broken off, callow, capricious, careening, catchy,
     chopped-off, choppy, combined, complex, composite, compound,
     compounded, conglomerate, damaged, dappled, decousu, defective,
     deficient, desultory, deviative, disconnected, discontinued,
     discontinuous, discrete, disjunctive, dotted, dotty, dowdy,
     down-at-heel, down-at-the-heels, eccentric, eclectic, embryonic,
     episodic, equivocal, erratic, erroneous, failing, fallible, faulty,
     fifty-fifty, fitful, flea-bitten, flecked, fleckered, flickering,
     fluctuating, found wanting, frayed, frazzled, frecked, freckled,
     freckly, full of holes, guttering, half-and-half, halting,
     herky-jerky, heteroclite, heterogeneous, holey, hypoplastic,
     immature, immethodical, impaired, imperfect, imprecise, impure,
     in arrear, in arrears, in default, in rags, in short supply,
     in shreds, in tatters, inaccurate, inadequate, incoherent,
     incomplete, inconstant, indiscriminate, inexact, infant,
     intermittent, intermitting, interrupted, intricate, ironic,
     irregular, jagged, jerky, jumbled, lacking, lurching, macular,
     maculate, maculated, makeshift, many-sided, mediocre, medley,
     mingled, miscellaneous, missing, mixed, motley, multifaceted,
     multinational, multiracial, needing, noncontinuous, nonlinear,
     nonsequential, nonserial, nonuniform, not perfect, off,
     parenthetic, part, partial, peppered, pluralistic, pocked,
     pockmarked, pocky, pointille, pointillistic, polka-dot,
     promiscuous, punctated, ragged, raggedy, rambling, ratty, rough,
     scant, scanty, scrambled, scrappy, scruffy, seedy, shabby, shoddy,
     short, shy, sketchy, snatchy, spangled, spasmatic, spasmic,
     spasmodic, spastic, specked, speckled, speckledy, speckly,
     splotched, splotchy, sporadic, spotted, spotty, sprinkled,
     staggering, stippled, studded, suspended, syncretic, tacky,
     tattered, tatty, thrown together, torn, uncertain, unconnected,
     underdeveloped, undeveloped, unequal, uneven, unfinished, unjoined,
     unmethodical, unmetrical, unperfected, unregular, unrhythmical,
     unsettled, unsound, unsteady, unsuccessive, unsystematic,
     unthorough, variable, varied, veering, wandering, wanting,
     wavering, wobbling, wobbly

From The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (27 SEP 03) [foldoc]:

          A {Fortran} {code management} program written at {CERN}.

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