Oven definition


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From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Oven \Ov"en\ ([u^]v"'n), n. [AS. ofen; akin to D. oven, OHG.
     ofan, ovan, G. ofen, Icel. ofn, Dan. ovn, Sw. ugn, Goth.
     a['u]hns, Gr. 'ipno`s, Skr. ukh[=a] pot.]
     A place arched over with brick or stonework, and used for
     baking, heating, or drying; hence, any structure, whether
     fixed or portable, which may be heated for baking, drying,

     etc.; esp., now, a chamber in a stove, used for baking or
     [1913 Webster]

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Appliance \Ap*pli"ance\, n.
     1. The act of applying; application.
        [1913 Webster]
     2. subservience; compliance. [Obs.] --Shak.
        [1913 Webster]
     3. A thing applied or used as a means to an end; an apparatus
        or device; as, to use various appliances; a mechanical
        appliance; a machine with its appliances.
        [1913 Webster]
     4. Specifically: An apparatus or device, usually powered
        electrically, used in homes to perform domestic functions.
        An appliance is often categorized as a major appliance or
        a minor appliance by its cost. Common major appliances are
        the {refrigerator}, {washing machine}, {clothes drier},
        {oven}, and {dishwasher}. Some minor appliances are a
        {toaster}, {vacuum cleaner} or {microwave oven}.

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       n : kitchen appliance used for baking or roasting

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  21 Moby Thesaurus words for "oven":
     Seger cone, Torrid Zone, acid kiln, brickkiln, cement kiln,
     enamel kiln, equator, furnace, hell, inferno, kiln, limekiln,
     muffle kiln, pyrometer, pyrometric cone, reverberatory,
     reverberatory kiln, steam bath, stove, subtropics, tropics

From Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary [easton]:

     Heb. tannur, (Hos. 7:4). In towns there appear to have been
     public ovens. There was a street in Jerusalem (Jer. 37:21)
     called "bakers' street" (the only case in which the name of a
     street in Jerusalem is preserved). The words "tower of the
     furnaces" (Neh. 3:11; 12:38) is more properly "tower of the
     ovens" (Heb. tannurim). These resemble the ovens in use among
       There were other private ovens of different kinds. Some were
     like large jars made of earthenware or copper, which were heated
     inside with wood (1 Kings 17:12; Isa. 44:15; Jer. 7:18) or grass
     (Matt. 6:30), and when the fire had burned out, small pieces of
     dough were placed inside or spread in thin layers on the
     outside, and were thus baked. (See {FURNACE}.)
       Pits were also formed for the same purposes, and lined with
     cement. These were used after the same manner.
       Heated stones, or sand heated by a fire heaped over it, and
     also flat irons pans, all served as ovens for the preparation of
     bread. (See Gen. 18:6; 1 Kings 19:6.)

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