Moloch definition


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4 definitions found

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Moloch \Mo"loch\, prop. n. [Heb. molek king.]
     1. (Script.) The fire god of the Ammonites in Canaan, to whom
        human sacrifices were offered; Molech. Also applied
        [1913 Webster]

     2. (Zool.) A spiny Australian lizard ({Moloch horridus}). The
        horns on the head and numerous spines on the body give it
        a most formidable appearance.
        [1913 Webster] Molokane

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       n 1: a tyrannical power to be propitiated by human subservience
            or sacrifice; "the great Moloch of war"; "duty has
            become the Moloch of modern life"- Norman Douglas
       2: god of the Ammonites and Phoenicians to whom parents
          sacrificed their children [syn: {Molech}]
       3: any lizard of the genus Moloch

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  52 Moby Thesaurus words for "Moloch":
     Adad, Adapa, Anu, Anunaki, Ashur, Baal, Beltu, Dagon, Damkina,
     Dumuzi, Ea, Enlil, Ereshkigal, Gibil, Girru, Gish Bar, Gishzida,
     Gula, Igigi, Inanna, Isimud, Ki, Lahmu, Mama, Marduk, Merodach,
     Nabu, Nammu, Namtar, Nanna, Nebo, Nergal, Neti, Nina, Ningal,
     Ningirsu, Ninhursag, Ninlil, Ninmah, Ninsar, Nintoo, Nusku,
     Papsukai, Ramman, Shala, Shamash, Sin, Utnapishtim, Uttu, Utu,
     Zarpanit, Zubird

From Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary [easton]:

     king, the name of the national god of the Ammonites, to whom
     children were sacrificed by fire. He was the consuming and
     destroying and also at the same time the purifying fire. In Amos
     5:26, "your Moloch" of the Authorized Version is "your king" in
     the Revised Version (comp. Acts 7:43). Solomon (1 Kings 11:7)
     erected a high place for this idol on the Mount of Olives, and
     from that time till the days of Josiah his worship continued (2
     Kings 23:10, 13). In the days of Jehoahaz it was partially
     restored, but after the Captivity wholly disappeared. He is also
     called Molech (Lev. 18:21; 20:2-5, etc.), Milcom (1 Kings 11:5,
     33, etc.), and Malcham (Zeph. 1:5). This god became Chemosh
     among the Moabites.

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