Luxurious definition


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3 definitions found

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Luxurious \Lux*u"ri*ous\, a. [L. luxuriosus: cf. F. luxurieux.
     See {Luxury}.]
     Of or pertaining to luxury; ministering to luxury; supplied
     with the conditions of luxury; as, a luxurious life; a
     luxurious table; luxurious ease. " Luxurious cities. "
     --Milton. -- {Lux*u"ri*ous*ly}, adv. -- {Lux*u"ri*ous*ness},

     [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       adj 1: furnishing gratification of the senses; "an epicurean
              banquet"; "enjoyed a luxurious suite with a crystal
              chandelier and thick oriental rugs"; "Lucullus spent
              the remainder of his days in voluptuous magnificence";
              "a chinchilla robe of sybaritic lavishness" [syn: {epicurean},
               {sybaritic}, {voluptuary}, {voluptuous}]
       2: rich and superior in quality; "a princely sum"; "gilded
          dining rooms" [syn: {deluxe}, {gilded}, {opulent}, {princely},

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  183 Moby Thesaurus words for "luxurious":
     Babylonian, Corinthian, Cyrenaic, abounding in riches, affluent,
     appealing, appetitive, arabesque, attractive, awe-inspiring, awful,
     barbaric, baroque, bent on pleasure, bewitching, big-rich, busy,
     captivating, charming, chichi, comfortable, comfy, commodious,
     contented, convenient, costly, cozy, cushioned, cushiony, cushy,
     dear, dear-bought, delightful, deluxe, disgustingly rich, easeful,
     easy, elaborate, elegant, enchanting, engaging, enravishing,
     enthralling, entrancing, epicurean, expensive, exquisite,
     extravagant, fancy, fascinating, fat, fetching, fine, flamboyant,
     florid, flowery, flush, friendly, frightfully rich, frilly, fussy,
     glorious, gorgeous, gourmet, grand, grandiose, heart-robbing,
     hedonistic, high, high-priced, high-wrought, homelike, homely,
     homey, imposing, impressive, in funds, in the money, independent,
     independently rich, independently wealthy, intriguing, inviting,
     irresistible, labored, languishing, languorous, lavish, lived-in,
     loaded, lovely, luscious, lush, luxuriant, luxury-loving,
     made of money, magnificent, majestic, moneyed, moresque, noble,
     not affordable, of great cost, oofy, opulent, ornate, ostentatious,
     overelaborate, overelegant, overlabored, overworked, overwrought,
     palace, palatial, pampered, peaceful, picturesque, pleasure-bent,
     pleasure-seeking, plush, plushy, posh, precious, premium,
     prepossessing, pretentious, pretty-pretty, pricey, princely,
     prosperous, proud, provided for, ravishing, relaxing, reposeful,
     restful, rich, rich as Croesus, ritzy, rococo, rolling in money,
     roomy, self-indulgent, sensual, sensuous, showy, snug, soft,
     splendacious, splendid, splendiferous, stately, steep, stiff,
     sumptuous, superb, superfancy, superfine, swank, swanky, swell,
     sybaritic, taking, tantalizing, tempting, thrilling, titillative,
     top, unchaste, unpayable, voluptuary, voluptuous,
     wallowing in wealth, warm, wealthy, well provided for, well-fixed,
     well-heeled, well-off, well-to-do, winning, winsome, witching

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