Lush definition


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4 definitions found

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Lush \Lush\, n. [Etymol uncertain; said to be fr. Lushington,
     name of a London brewer.]
     1. Liquor, esp. intoxicating liquor; drink. [Slang] --C.
        [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

     2. an habitual drunkard.

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Lush \Lush\ (l[u^]sh), a. [Prob. an abbrev. of lushious, fr.
     1. Full of juice or succulence. --Tennyson.
        [1913 Webster]
              How lush and lusty the grass looks! how green!
        [1913 Webster]
     2. Having thick and luxurient vegetation.
     3. Characterized by abundance or luxurience; rich.

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       adj 1: produced or growing in extreme abundance; "their riotous
              blooming" [syn: {exuberant}, {luxuriant}, {profuse}, {riotous}]
       2: characterized by extravagance and profusion; "a lavish
          buffet"; "a lucullan feast" [syn: {lavish}, {lucullan}, {plush},
       3: full of juice; "lush fruits"; "succulent roast beef";
          "succulent plants with thick fleshy leaves" [syn: {succulent}]
       n : a person who drinks alcohol to excess habitually [syn: {alcoholic},
            {alky}, {dipsomaniac}, {boozer}, {soaker}, {souse}]

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  151 Moby Thesaurus words for "lush":
     abundant, adorable, adorned, agreeable, alcohol, ambrosial,
     befrilled, bibber, blooming, booze, boozehound, boozer,
     bottle sucker, bountiful, budge, bum, bursting, bursting out, chug,
     chug-a-lug, colored, copious, creative, dainty, decorated,
     delectable, delicate, delicious, delightful, deluxe, dense, drink,
     drunk, elaborate, elbow bender, embellished, embroidered,
     epicurean, exquisite, extravagant, exuberant, fancy, fecund,
     fertile, festooned, figurative, figured, firewater, florid,
     flourishing, flowery, fresh, fructiferous, fruitful, generous,
     ginhound, good, good to eat, good-tasting, green, grog, gross,
     gustable, gusty, heavenly, heavy, hooch, hooch hound, impenetrable,
     inebriate, juicy, jungled, jungly, lavish, likable, liquor,
     liquor up, luscious, lusher, luxuriant, luxurious, moist,
     mouth-watering, nectareous, nectarous, nice, of gourmet quality,
     opulent, ornate, overcharged, overgrown, overloaded, overrun,
     palatable, palatial, pleasing, plenteous, plentiful, plush,
     pregnant, prodigal, productive, profusive, proliferous, prolific,
     purple, raise the elbow, rank, rich, riotous, ripe, ritzy,
     rum hound, rummy, sapid, savorous, savory, scrumptious, seminal,
     sensual, soak, sot, souse, sponge, stew, succulent, sumptuous,
     superabundant, swarming, swig, swill, swillbelly, swillbowl,
     swillpot, tank up, tasty, teeming, thick, thriving, tipple,
     tippler, toothsome, uberous, unweeded, verdant, voluptuous,
     weed-choked, weed-ridden, weedy, wino, yummy

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