Listless definition


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4 definitions found

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Listless \List"less\, a. [OE. listles, lustles. See {Lust}.]
     Having no desire or inclination; indifferent; heedless;
     spiritless. " A listless unconcern." --Thomson.
     [1913 Webster]
           Benumbed with cold, and listless of their gain.

     [1913 Webster]
           I was listless, and desponding.          --Swift.
     Syn: Heedless; careless; indifferent; vacant; uninterested;
          languid; spiritless; supine; indolent. --
          {List"less*ly}, adv. -- {List"less*ness}, n.
          [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       adj 1: lacking zest or vivacity; "he was listless and bored"
       2: marked by low spirits; showing no enthusiasm; "a dispirited
          and divided Party"; "reacted to the crisis with listless
          resignation" [syn: {dispirited}]

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  143 Moby Thesaurus words for "listless":
     Laodicean, Olympian, aloof, anemic, apathetic, asthenic, ataractic,
     benumbed, blah, blase, bloodless, bored, careless, casual, chicken,
     comatose, cool, cowardly, dead, debilitated, desensitized,
     detached, devil-may-care, disinterested, dispassionate,
     disregardful, distant, dopey, dormant, drooping, droopy, drugged,
     dull, easygoing, effete, enervated, etiolated, exanimate, faint,
     faintish, feeble, flabby, flaccid, floppy, gone, gutless,
     heartless, heavy, hebetudinous, heedless, hopeless, imbecile,
     impassive, impotent, in a stupor, inanimate, inattentive,
     incurious, indifferent, inert, inexcitable, insouciant, jaded,
     lackadaisical, languid, languishing, languorous, leaden, lethargic,
     lifeless, limber, limp, lukewarm, lumpish, lustless, marrowless,
     mindless, moribund, negligent, nerveless, nonchalant, numb, numbed,
     passive, perfunctory, phlegmatic, pithless, pluckless, pococurante,
     pooped, powerless, reckless, regardless, resigned, rubbery,
     sapless, sated, sinewless, slack, sleepy, slow, sluggish, soft,
     somnolent, soporific, spent, spineless, spiritless, spunkless,
     stagnant, stagnating, stoic, stolid, strengthless, stultified,
     stupefied, supine, tepid, thoughtless, torpid, turned-off,
     unanxious, uncaring, unconcerned, undiscriminating, unemotional,
     unenthusiastic, unhardened, uninquiring, uninterested, uninvolved,
     unmindful, unnerved, unsolicitous, unstrung, vegetable, vegetative,
     wan, weak, weakly, weary, withdrawn, world-weary

From The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (27 SEP 03) [foldoc]:

           In {functional programming}, a property of a
          {function} which allows it to be combined with other functions
          in a way that eliminates intermediate data structures,
          especially lists.
          {Phil Wadler}'s thesis gives the conditions for a function to
          be in listless form: each input list is traversed only once,
          one element at a time, from left to right.  Each output list
          is generated once, one element at a time, from left to right.
          No other lists are generated or traversed.
          Not all functions can be expressed in listless form
          (e.g. reverse).

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