Lemon definition


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4 definitions found

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Sole \Sole\, n. [F. sole, L. solea; -- so named from its flat
     shape. See {Sole} of the foot.] (Zool.)
     (a) Any one of several species of flatfishes of the genus
         {Solea} and allied genera of the family {Soleidae},
         especially the common European species ({Solea
         vulgaris}), which is a valuable food fish.

     (b) Any one of several American flounders somewhat resembling
         the true sole in form or quality, as the California sole
         ({Lepidopsetta bilineata}), the long-finned sole
         ({Glyptocephalus zachirus}), and other species.
         [1913 Webster]
     {Lemon}, or {French}, {sole} (Zool.), a European species of
        sole ({Solea pegusa}).
     {Smooth sole} (Zool.), the megrim.
        [1913 Webster]

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Lemon \Lem"on\ (l[e^]m"[u^]n), n. [F. limon, Per. l[imac]m[=u]n;
     cf. Ar. laim[=u]n, Sp. limon, It. limone. Cf. {Lime} a
     [1913 Webster]
     1. (Bot.) An oval or roundish fruit resembling the orange,
        and containing a pulp usually intensely acid. It is
        produced by a tropical tree of the genus {Citrus}, the
        common fruit known in commerce being that of the species
        {Citrus Limonum} or {Citrus Medica} (var. Limonum). There
        are many varieties of the fruit, some of which are sweet.
        [1913 Webster]
     2. The tree which bears lemons; the lemon tree.
        [1913 Webster]
     {Lemon grass} (Bot.), a fragrant East Indian grass
        ({Andropogon Sh[oe]nanthus}, and perhaps other allied
        species), which yields the grass oil used in perfumery.
     {Lemon sole} (Zool.), a yellow European sole ({Solea
     {Salts of lemon} (Chem.), a white crystalline substance,
        inappropriately named, as it consists of an acid potassium
        oxalate and contains no citric acid, which is the
        characteristic acid of lemon; -- called also {salts of
        sorrel}. It is used in removing ink stains. See {Oxalic
        acid}, under {Oxalic}. [Colloq.]
        [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       n 1: yellow oval fruit with juicy acidic flesh
       2: a strong yellow color [syn: {gamboge}, {lemon yellow}, {maize}]
       3: a small evergreen tree that originated in Asia but is widely
          cultivated for its fruit [syn: {lemon tree}, {Citrus limon}]
       4: a distinctive tart flavor characteristic of lemons
       5: an artifact (especially an automobile) that is defective or
          unsatisfactory [syn: {stinker}]

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  76 Moby Thesaurus words for "lemon":
     acid, acidulant, aureate, auric, beige, bomb,
     bread-and-butter pickle, buff, buff-yellow, bust, canary,
     canary-yellow, chokecherry, citron, citron-yellow, crab apple,
     cream, creamy, dill pickle, dud, dull thud, ecru, fallow, fizzle,
     flat failure, flaxen, flop, floperoo, frost, gilded, gilt, gold,
     gold-colored, golden, green apple, lemon-yellow, lime, loser,
     luteolous, lutescent, ocherish, ocherous, ochery, ochreous,
     ochroid, ochrous, ochry, or, pickle, primrose, primrose-colored,
     primrose-yellow, saffron, saffron-colored, saffron-yellow, sallow,
     sand-colored, sandy, sour, sour balls, sour cream, sour grapes,
     sour pickle, sourdough, straw, straw-colored, total loss, turkey,
     verjuice, vinegar, washout, xanthic, xanthous, yellow, yellowish,

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