Lamentable definition


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3 definitions found

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Lamentable \Lam"en*ta*ble\, a. [L. lamentabilis: cf. F.
     1. Mourning; sorrowful; expressing grief; as, a lamentable
        countenance. [Archaic] "Lamentable eye." --Spenser.
        [1913 Webster]

     2. Fitted to awaken lament; to be lamented; sorrowful;
        pitiable; regrettable; unfortunate; as, a lamentable
        misfortune, or error. "Lamentable helplessness." --Burke.
        [1913 Webster]
     3. Miserable; pitiful; paltry; -- in a contemptuous or
        ridiculous sense. --Bp. Stillingfleet. --
        {Lam"en*ta*ble*ness}, n. -- {Lam"en*ta*bly}, adv.
        [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       adj 1: an archaic word for mournful; "tell thou the lamentable tale
              of me, And send the hearers weeping to their beds"-
       2: bad; unfortunate; "my finances were in a deplorable state";
          "a lamentable decision"; "her clothes were in sad shape";
          "a sorry state of affairs" [syn: {deplorable}, {distressing},
           {pitiful}, {sad}, {sorry}]

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  120 Moby Thesaurus words for "lamentable":
     abominable, affecting, afflictive, aggrieved, anguished, arrant,
     atrocious, awful, base, beastly, beneath contempt, bitter,
     blameworthy, bleak, brutal, calamitous, careworn, cheerless,
     comfortless, contemptible, deplorable, depressing, depressive,
     despicable, detestable, dire, discomforting, disgusting, dismal,
     dismaying, distressful, distressing, doleful, dolorific,
     dolorogenic, dolorous, dreadful, dreary, dumb with grief,
     egregious, enormous, fetid, filthy, flagrant, foul, fulsome,
     grief-stricken, griefful, grieved, grievous, gross, hateful,
     heartbreaking, heinous, horrible, horrid, in grief, infamous,
     intolerable, joyless, loathsome, lousy, lugubrious, miserable,
     monstrous, mournful, moving, nasty, nefarious, noisome, notorious,
     obnoxious, odious, offensive, outrageous, painful, pathetic,
     piteous, pitiable, pitiful, plaintive, plangent, plunged in grief,
     poignant, rank, regrettable, reprehensible, repulsive, rotten,
     rueful, sad, saddening, scandalous, schlock, scurvy, shabby,
     shameful, sharp, shocking, shoddy, sordid, sore, sorrowed,
     sorrowful, sorrowing, squalid, tearful, terrible, too bad,
     touching, unclean, uncomfortable, unfortunate, vile, villainous,
     woebegone, woeful, worst, worthless, wretched

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