Journal definition


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From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Journal \Jour"nal\, a. [F., fr. L. diurnalis diurnal, fr.
     diurnus belonging to the day, fr. dies day. See {Diurnal}.]
     Daily; diurnal. [Obs.]
     [1913 Webster]
           Whiles from their journal labors they did rest.

     [1913 Webster]

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Journal \Jour"nal\, n. [F. journal. See {Journal}, a.]
     [1913 Webster]
     1. A diary; an account of daily transactions and events.
        (a) (Bookkeeping) A book of accounts, in which is entered
            a condensed and grouped statement of the daily
        (b) (Naut.) A daily register of the ship's course and
            distance, the winds, weather, incidents of the voyage,
        (c) (Legislature) The record of daily proceedings, kept by
            the clerk.
        (d) A newspaper published daily; by extension, a weekly
            newspaper or any periodical publication, giving an
            account of passing events, the proceedings and memoirs
            of societies, etc.; a periodical; a magazine.
            [1913 Webster]
     2. That which has occurred in a day; a day's work or travel;
        a day's journey. [Obs. & R.] --B. Jonson.
        [1913 Webster]
     3. (Mach.) That portion of a rotating piece, as a shaft,
        axle, spindle, etc., which turns in a bearing or box. See
        Illust. of {Axle box}.
        [1913 Webster]
     {Journal box}, or {Journal bearing} (Mach.) the carrier of a
        journal; the box in which the journal of a shaft, axle, or
        pin turns.
        [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       n 1: a daily written record of (usually personal) experiences and
            observations [syn: {diary}]
       2: a periodical dedicated to a particular subject; "he reads
          the medical journals"
       3: a ledger in which transactions have been recorded as they
          occurred [syn: {daybook}]
       4: a record book as a physical object
       5: the part of the axle contained by a bearing

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  148 Moby Thesaurus words for "journal":
     Clio, Domesday Book, Muse of history, account book,
     accounts payable ledger, accounts receivable ledger, address book,
     adventures, adversaria, album, almanac, annal, annals, annual,
     appointment calendar, appointment schedule, autobiography,
     axle box, balance sheet, bank ledger, bankbook, bimonthly,
     biographical sketch, biography, biweekly, blankbook, blotter,
     books, calendar, card ledger, case history, cashbook, catalog,
     catalogue, check sheet, chronicle, chronicles, chronology,
     classified catalog, clock card, commonplace book, confessions,
     cost card, cost ledger, cost sheet, court calendar,
     curriculum vitae, daily, date slip, datebook, daybook,
     desk calendar, diary, diptych, docket, documentation, dossier,
     engagement book, ephemeris, experiences, factory ledger,
     fortnightly, fortunes, gazette, hagiography, hagiology,
     historiography, history, hotbox, inventory, journal box, ledger,
     legend, life, life and letters, life story, list, log, logbook,
     loose-leaf notebook, magazine, martyrology, memo book, memoir,
     memoirs, memorabilia, memorandum book, memorial, memorials,
     memory book, minutes, monthly, necrology, newsletter, newsmagazine,
     newspaper, notebook, obituary, organ, pad, paper, passbook,
     periodical, petty cashbook, photobiography, pictorial,
     pocket notebook, pocketbook, police blotter, profile,
     purchase ledger, quarterly, record, record book, register,
     registry, resume, review, roll, sales journal, sales ledger,
     scrapbook, scratch pad, serial, slick magazine, spiral notebook,
     stock ledger, stores ledger, story, suspense ledger, table, tablet,
     tabloid, theory of history, time book, time chart, time scale,
     time schedule, time sheet, time study, timecard, timetable,
     trade magazine, triptych, weekly, workbook, writing tablet,

From Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856) [bouvier]:

  JOURNAL, mar. law. The book kept on board of a ship or other vessel, which 
  contains an account of the ship's course, with a short history of every 
  occurrence during the voyage. Another name for logbook. (q.v.) Chit. Law of 
  Nat. 199. 

From Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856) [bouvier]:

  JOURNAL, common law. A book used among merchants, in which the contents of 
  the waste-book are separated every month, and entered on the debtor and 
  creditor side, for more convenient posting in the ledger. 

From Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856) [bouvier]:

  JOURNAL, legislation. An account of the proceedings of a legislative body. 
       2. The Constitution of the United States, art. 1, s. 5, directs that 
  "each house shall keep a journal of its proceedings; and from time to time 
  publish the same, excepting such parts as may, in their judgment, require 
  secrecy." Vide 2 Story, Const., 301. 
       3. The constitutions of the several states contain similar provisions. 
       4. The journal of either house is evidence of the action of that house 
  upon all matters before it. 7 Cowen, R. 613 Cowp. 17. 

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