Jacquard definition


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2 definitions found

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Jacquard \Jac*quard"\, a.
     Pertaining to, or invented by, Jacquard, a French
     mechanician, who died in 1834.
     [1913 Webster]
     {Jacquard apparatus} or {Jacquard arrangement}, a device

        applied to looms for weaving figured goods, consisting of
        mechanism controlled by a chain of variously perforated
        cards, which cause the warp threads to be lifted in the
        proper succession for producing the required figure.
     {Jacquard card}, one of the perforated cards of a Jacquard
     {Jacquard loom}, a loom with Jacquard apparatus.
        [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       n 1: French inventor of the Jacquard loom that could
            automatically weave complicated patterns (1752-1834)
            [syn: {Joseph M. Jacquard}, {Joseph Marie Jacquard}]
       2: a highly figured fabric woven on a Jacquard loom
       3: a loom with an attachment for forming openings for the
          passage of the shuttle between the warp threads; used in
          weaving figured fabrics [syn: {Jacquard loom}]

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