JUNIO definition


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1 definition found

From Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856) [bouvier]:

  JUNIOR. Younger.
       2. This has been held to be no part of a man's name, but an addition by 
  use, and a convenient distinction between a father and son of the same name. 
  10 Mass. R. 203 10 Paige, 170; 1 Pick. R. 388; 7 John. It. 549; 2 Caines, 
  164 1 Pick. 388 15 Pick. 7; 17 Pick. 200 3 Metc. 330. 
       3. Any matter that distinguishes persons renders the addition of junior 

  or senior unnecessary. 1 Mod. Ent. 35; Salk. 7. But if father and son have 
  both the same name, the father shall be, prima facie, intended, if junior be 
  not added, or some other matter of distinction. Salk, 7; 6 Rep. 20 11 Rep. 
  39; Hob. 330. If father and son have the same name and addition, and the 
  former sue the latter, the writ is abateable unless the son have the further 
  addition of junior, or the younger. But if the father be the defendant and 
  the son the plaintiff, there is no need of the further addition of senior, 
  or the elder, to the name of the father. 2 Hawk. 187; Laws of Women, 380. 

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