Intricate definition


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4 definitions found

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Intricate \In"tri*cate\, a. [L. intricatus, p. p. of intricare
     to entangle, perplex. Cf. {Intrigue}, {Extricate}.]
     Entangled; involved; perplexed; complicated; difficult to
     understand, follow, arrange, or adjust; as, intricate
     machinery, labyrinths, accounts, plots, etc.
     [1913 Webster]

           His style was fit to convey the most intricate business
           to the understanding with the utmost clearness.
     [1913 Webster]
           The nature of man is intricate.          --Burke.
     Syn: {Intricate}, {Complex}, {Complicated}.
     Usage: A thing is complex when it is made up of parts; it is
            complicated when those parts are so many, or so
            arranged, as to make it difficult to grasp them; it is
            intricate when it has numerous windings and confused
            involutions which it is hard to follow out. What is
            complex must be resolved into its parts; what is
            complicated must be drawn out and developed; what is
            intricate must be unraveled.
            [1913 Webster]

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Intricate \In"tri*cate\, v. t.
     To entangle; to involve; to make perplexing. [Obs.]
     [1913 Webster]
           It makes men troublesome, and intricates all wise
           discourses.                              --Jer. Taylor.
     [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       adj : highly involved or intricate; "the Byzantine tax structure";
             "convoluted legal language"; "convoluted reasoning";
             "intricate needlework"; "an intricate labyrinth of
             refined phraseology"; "the plot was too involved"; "a
             knotty problem"; "got his way by labyrinthine
             maneuvering"; "Oh, what a tangled web we weave"- Sir
             Walter Scott; "tortuous legal procedures"; "tortuous
             negotiations lasting for months" [syn: {Byzantine}, {convoluted},
              {involved}, {knotty}, {labyrinthine}, {tangled}, {tortuous}]

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  148 Moby Thesaurus words for "intricate":
     Byzantine, Daedalian, Herculean, abstruse, amalgamated, ambiguous,
     ambivalent, amphibious, anfractuous, arduous, baffling, balled up,
     bewildering, beyond one, blended, bothering, brutal, combined,
     complex, complicated, composite, compound, compounded, confounded,
     confounding, confused, confusing, conglomerate, convoluted,
     crabbed, cramp, critical, daedal, dappled, dedal, delicate,
     demanding, devious, difficile, difficult, discomposing,
     disconcerting, dismaying, distracting, disturbing, eclectic,
     elaborate, embarrassing, embrangled, enigmatic, entangled,
     equivocal, exacting, fancy, fifty-fifty, formidable, fouled up,
     garbled, gordian, hairy, half-and-half, hard, hard to understand,
     hard-earned, hard-fought, heterogeneous, implicated,
     indiscriminate, involuted, involved, ironic, jawbreaking, jumbled,
     knotted, knotty, laborious, labyrinthian, labyrinthine, loused up,
     many-faceted, many-sided, matted, mazy, mean, meandering, medley,
     messed up, mingled, miscellaneous, mixed, mixed up, motley,
     mucked up, multifaceted, multifarious, multinational, multiracial,
     mysterious, mystifying, no picnic, not easy, obfuscated, obscure,
     obscured, operose, ornate, overtechnical, patchy, perplexed,
     perplexing, perturbing, pluralistic, problematic, promiscuous,
     puzzling, ramified, rigorous, rococo, rough, roundabout, rugged,
     scrambled, screwed up, set with thorns, severe, sinuous, snarled,
     sophisticated, spiny, steep, strenuous, subtle, syncretic, tangled,
     tangly, thorny, thrown together, ticklish, toilsome, tortuous,
     tough, tricky, twisted, uphill, upsetting, varied, wicked,

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