Intermezzo definition


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3 definitions found

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Intermezzo \In`ter*mez"zo\, n. [It. See {Intermede}.] (Mus.)
     An interlude; an intermede. See {Intermede}.
     [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       n 1: a short movement coming between the major sections of a
       2: a short piece of instrumental music composed for performance
          between acts of a drama or opera
       3: a brief show (music or dance etc) performed between the
          sections of another performance [syn: {interlude}, {entr'acte}]
       [also: {intermezzi} (pl)]

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  105 Moby Thesaurus words for "intermezzo":
     abeyance, act, afterpiece, anacrusis, bass passage, bit, bourdon,
     break, bridge, burden, cadence, caesura, cease-fire, chaser,
     chorus, coda, coffee break, curtain, curtain call, curtain raiser,
     day off, development, divertimento, divertissement, division,
     downtime, drop, epilogue, exode, exodus, exposition,
     expository scene, figure, finale, folderol, half time,
     half-time intermission, harmonic close, hesitation, hoke act,
     holiday, interim, interlude, intermission, intermittence,
     interregnum, interruption, interval, introduction,
     introductory phrase, lapse, layoff, letup, lull, measure, movement,
     musical phrase, musical sentence, number, off-time, ornament, part,
     passage, pause, period, phrase, plateau, point of repose, prologue,
     quiet spell, recess, refrain, relief, remission, resolution,
     respite, response, rest, resting point, ritornello, routine, scene,
     section, shtick, sketch, skit, song and dance, stand-down,
     stand-up comedy act, stanza, statement, stay, strain, striptease,
     suspension, tailpiece, time off, time out, truce, turn, tutti,
     tutti passage, vacation, variation, verse

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