Intaglio definition


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From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Intaglio \In*tagl"io\, n.; pl. E. {Intaglius}, It. {Intagli}.
     [It., fr. intagliare to engrave, carve; pref. in- in +
     tagliare to cut, carve. See {Detail}.]
     A cutting or engraving; a figure cut into something, as a
     gem, so as to make a design depressed below the surface of
     the material; hence, anything so carved or impressed, as a

     gem, matrix, etc.; -- opposed to {cameo}. Also used
     [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       n 1: a printing process that uses an etched or engraved plate;
            the plate is smeared with ink and wiped clean, then the
            ink left in the recesses makes the print [syn: {intaglio
            printing}, {gravure}]
       2: glyptic art consisting of a sunken or depressed engraving or
          carving on a stone or gem (as opposed to cameo) [syn: {diaglyph}]
       [also: {intagli} (pl)]

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  64 Moby Thesaurus words for "intaglio":
     anaglyph, aquatint, bas-relief, boss, burin, cameo, cameo glass,
     cast, cavo-rilievo, cerography, chalcography, crayon engraving,
     cribbling, cut glass, die, drypoint, embossment, engraving tool,
     etching, etching ball, etching ground, etching needle,
     etching point, form, glyph, glyptograph, graver, high relief,
     intaglio rilevato, intaglio rilievo, last, low relief, mask,
     matrix, medal, medallion, metal cut, mezzotint, mint, mold, needle,
     negative, photoengraving, plaquette, plate engraving, point, punch,
     pyrogravure, relief, relief method, relievo, rocker, scorper,
     sculptured glass, seal, shoe last, stamp, steel engraving, style,
     template, wood engraving, woodburning, woodcut, zincography

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