Intact definition


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3 definitions found

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Intact \In*tact"\, a. [L. intactus; pref. in- not + tactus, p.
     p. of tangere to touch: cf. F. intact. See {In-} not, and
     {Tact}, {Tangent}.]
     Untouched, especially by anything that harms, defiles, or the
     like; uninjured; undefiled; left complete or entire.

     [1913 Webster]
           When all external differences have passed away, one
           element remains intact, unchanged, -- the everlasting
           basis of our common nature, the human soul. --F. W.

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       adj 1: constituting the undiminished entirety; lacking nothing
              essential especially not damaged; "a local motion
              keepeth bodies integral"- Bacon; "was able to keep the
              collection entire during his lifetime"; "fought to
              keep the union intact" [syn: {integral}, {entire}]
       2: not impaired or diminished in any way; "emerged from the
          trial with his prestige intact"; "the blast left his
          hearint intact"
       3: (of a woman) having the hymen unbroken; "she was intact,
          virginal" [syn: {inviolate}]
       4: (used of domestic animals) sexually competent; "an entire
          horse" [syn: {entire}]
       5: undamaged in any way; whole; "the vase remained intact
          despite rough handling"

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  153 Moby Thesaurus words for "intact":
     Platonic, abiding, abstinent, budding, callow, celibate,
     changeless, complete, conserved, constant, continent, continuing,
     developed, dewy, durable, enduring, entire, ever-new, evergreen,
     firm, firsthand, fixed, flawless, fledgling, fresh, frozen, full,
     full-fledged, full-grown, full-scale, global, green, growing,
     immature, immobile, immune, immunized, immutable, imperforate,
     impubic, inexperienced, ingenuous, innocent, insured, integral,
     inviolate, juicy, kept, lasting, maiden, maidenly, mature, matured,
     minor, naive, neoteric, nestling, new, new-fledged, original,
     pathless, perfect, permanent, perpetual, persistent, pierceless,
     preserved, pristine, protected, quiescent, raw, remaining, rigid,
     ripe, ripening, safe, safe and sound, sappy, saved, secure,
     sempervirent, solid, sound, spared, stable, static, stationary,
     staying, steadfast, sustained, tender, together, torpid, total,
     trackless, unabbreviated, unadult, unaltered, unbeaten,
     unblemished, unbroken, unchangeable, unchanged, unchanging,
     unchecked, uncut, undamaged, undefiled, underage, undestroyed,
     undeveloped, undiminished, undivided, unexpurgated, unfading,
     unfailing, unfledged, unformed, unhandled, unharmed, unhurt,
     unimpaired, uninjured, unlicked, unmarred, unmellowed,
     unperforated, unpierced, unqualified, unreduced, unripe, unscathed,
     unseasoned, unshifting, unspoiled, unsullied, untainted,
     unthreatened, untouched, untried, untrodden, unused, unvaried,
     unvarying, utter, vernal, vestal, virgin, virginal, wayless,
     well-conserved, whole, young

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