Indulgence definition


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4 definitions found

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Indulgence \In*dul"gence\, n. [L. indulgentia: cf. F.
     [1913 Webster]
     1. The act of indulging or humoring; the quality of being
        indulgent; forbearance of restrain or control.
        [1913 Webster]

              If I were a judge, that word indulgence should never
              issue from my lips.                   --Tooke.
        [1913 Webster]
              They err, that through indulgence to others, or
              fondness to any sin in themselves, substitute for
              repentance anything less.             --Hammond.
        [1913 Webster]
     2. An indulgent act; favor granted; gratification.
        [1913 Webster]
              If all these gracious indulgences are without any
              effect on us, we must perish in our own folly.
        [1913 Webster]
     3. (R. C. Ch.) Remission of the temporal punishment due to
        sins, after the guilt of sin has been remitted by sincere
        repentance; absolution from the censures and public
        penances of the church. It is a payment of the debt of
        justice to God by the application of the merits of Christ
        and his saints to the contrite soul through the church. It
        is therefore believed to diminish or destroy for sins the
        punishment of purgatory.
        [1913 Webster]

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Indulgence \In*dul"gence\, v. t.
     To grant an indulgence to.
     [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       n 1: an inability to resist the gratification of whims and
            desires [syn: {self-indulgence}]
       2: a disposition to yield to the wishes of someone; "too much
          indulgence spoils a child" [syn: {lenience}, {leniency}]
       3: the act of indulging or gratifying a desire [syn: {indulging},
           {pampering}, {humoring}]
       4: foolish or senseless behavior [syn: {folly}, {foolery}, {tomfoolery},
           {craziness}, {lunacy}]
       5: the remission by the pope of the temporal punishment in
          purgatory that is still due for sins even after
          absolution; "in the Middle Ages the unrestricted sale of
          indulgences by pardoners became a widespread abuse"

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  120 Moby Thesaurus words for "indulgence":
     acceptance, accommodatingness, agreeableness, allowance,
     attentiveness, benevolence, blank check, carte blanche,
     charitableness, charity, coddling, complaisance, concern,
     condonation, connivance, considerateness, consideration, copyright,
     cosseting, crapulence, crapulency, crapulousness, delicacy,
     dispensation, disregard, drunkenness, easiness, endurance, excess,
     excessiveness, extravagance, favor, favoring, forbearance,
     forbearing, forbearingness, forgiveness, forgivingness, fortitude,
     franchise, freedom, generousness, gluttony, grant, gratification,
     heedfulness, helpfulness, humoring, immoderacy, immoderateness,
     immoderation, immunity, incontinence, indiscipline, inordinacy,
     inordinateness, intemperance, intemperateness, kindness, lenience,
     leniency, lenity, liberty, license, long-sufferance,
     long-suffering, longanimity, luxury, magnanimity, mindfulness,
     mollycoddling, obliging, obligingness, overdoing, overindulgence,
     overlooking, overpermissiveness, pampering, patent, patience,
     patience of Job, patientness, permissiveness, perseverance,
     pleasing, privilege, prodigality, profligacy, regard,
     regardfulness, self-control, self-gratification, self-indulgence,
     self-satisfaction, solicitousness, solicitude, special favor,
     spoiling, stoicism, sufferance, sweet reasonableness, swinishness,
     tact, tactfulness, thought, thoughtfulness, tolerance, toleration,
     too much, too-muchness, treat, unconstraint, uncontrol,
     understanding, unrestraint, unrevengefulness, waiting game,
     waiting it out, warrant, winking

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