Indisputable definition


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3 definitions found

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Indisputable \In*dis"pu*ta*ble\ (?; 277), a. [Pref. in- not +
     disputable: cf. F. indisputable.]
     Not disputable; incontrovertible; too evident to admit of
     Syn: Incontestable; unquestionable; incontrovertible;

          undeniable; irrefragable; certain; positive; undoubted;
          sure; infallible. -- {In*dis"pu*ta*ble*ness}, n. --
          {In*dis"pu*ta*bly}, adv.
          [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       adj 1: not open to question; obviously true; "undeniable guilt";
              "indisputable evidence of a witness" [syn: {incontestable},
       2: impossible to doubt or dispute; "indisputable (or sure)
          proof" [syn: {sure}]

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  139 Moby Thesaurus words for "indisputable":
     absolute, actual, adducible, admissible, admitting no exception,
     admitting no question, all-out, apparent, attestative, attestive,
     authentic, based on, beyond doubt, categorical, certain,
     circumstantial, clear, clear as crystal, complete, conclusive,
     confirmable, convincing, crystal-clear, cumulative, damning,
     decided, decisive, definite, definitive, demonstrable,
     demonstratable, determinate, determinative, discernible, distinct,
     documentary, documented, downright, entire, evident, evidential,
     evidentiary, ex parte, explicit, express, eye-witness, factual,
     final, firsthand, fixed, flat, flat-out, founded on, global,
     grounded on, hearsay, historical, implicit, inappealable,
     incontestable, incontrovertible, indicative, indubitable,
     irrefragable, irrefutable, irresistible, manifest, material,
     noticeable, nuncupative, observable, obvious, open-and-shut,
     out-and-out, outright, overwhelming, palpable, patent, perceivable,
     perceptible, peremptory, perfect, perspicuous, plain, plain as day,
     positive, presumptive, probative, provable, real, reliable, round,
     seeable, self-evident, self-explaining, self-explanatory,
     significant, straight, straight-out, suggestive, sure, symptomatic,
     tangible, telling, testable, to be seen, total, true, unanswerable,
     uncircumscribed, unconditional, unconditioned, unconfutable,
     uncontestable, undeniable, undoubting, unequivocal, unhampered,
     unhesitating, unimpeachable, unlimited, unmistakable, unmitigated,
     unqualified, unquestionable, unquestioning, unrefutable,
     unreserved, unrestricted, unwaivable, utter, valid, veridical,
     verifiable, visible, weighty, whole, without exception,
     without reserve

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