Inconsiderate definition


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3 definitions found

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Inconsiderate \In`con*sid"er*ate\, a. [L. inconsideratus. See
     {In-} not, and {Considerate}.]
     [1913 Webster]
     1. Not considerate; not attentive to safety or to propriety;
        not regarding the rights or feelings of others; hasty;
        careless; thoughtless; heedless; as, the young are

        generally inconsiderate; inconsiderate conduct.
        [1913 Webster]
              It is a very unhappy token of our corruption, that
              there should be any so inconsiderate among us as to
              sacrifice morality to politics.       --Addison.
        [1913 Webster]
     2. Inconsiderable. [Obs.] --E. Terry.
     Syn: Thoughtless; inattentive; inadvertent; heedless;
          negligent; improvident; careless; imprudent; indiscreet;
          incautious; injudicious; rash; hasty.
          [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       adj 1: lacking regard for the rights or feelings of others;
              "shockingly inconsiderate behavior" [ant: {considerate}]
       2: without proper consideration or reflection; "slovenly
          inconsiderate reasoning"; "unconsidered words"; "prejudice
          is the holding of unconsidered opinions" [syn: {unconsidered}]

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  108 Moby Thesaurus words for "inconsiderate":
     airy, arbitrary, boorish, brash, caddish, capricious, careless,
     casual, coarse, crude, cursory, degage, disregardant, disregardful,
     easygoing, flippant, forgetful, free and easy, hasty, heedless,
     hotheaded, ill-advised, ill-bred, ill-considered, ill-contrived,
     ill-devised, ill-gauged, ill-judged, impolitic, imprudent,
     inadvertent, inadvisable, incautious, indifferent, indiscreet,
     inexpedient, injudicious, insensate, insensitive, insouciant,
     intolerant, irrational, lazy, loutish, louty, madcap, mindless,
     misadvised, misguided, myopic, nasty, oblivious, offensive,
     offhand, perfunctory, rash, reasonless, reckless, regardless,
     respectless, rude, senseless, sharp, shortsighted, tactless,
     thoughtless, unaccommodating, unadvised, uncalculating, uncaring,
     unceremonious, uncomplaisant, unconcerned, unconsidered,
     uncooperative, undiplomatic, undiscerning, unfeminine,
     unforeseeing, ungenteel, ungentle, ungentlemanly, ungracious,
     unguarded, unheedful, unheeding, unhelpful, unladylike, unmindful,
     unobliging, unprepared, unready, unreasonable, unreasoning,
     unrefined, unreflecting, unreflective, unseeing, unsensible,
     unsolicitous, unsound, unsympathetic, untactful, unthinking,
     unthoughtful, unwise, vulgar, witless

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