Inauspicious definition


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3 definitions found

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Inauspicious \In`aus*pi"cious\, a.
     Not auspicious; ill-omened; unfortunate; unlucky;
     unfavorable. "Inauspicious stars." --Shak. "Inauspicious
     love." --Dryden. -- {In`aus*pi"cious*ly}, adv. --
     {In`aus*pi"cious*ness}, n.
     [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       adj 1: not auspicious; boding ill [syn: {unfortunate}] [ant: {auspicious}]
       2: contrary to your interests or welfare; "adverse
          circumstances"; "made a place for themselves under the
          most untoward conditions" [syn: {adverse}, {harmful}, {untoward}]
       3: presaging ill-fortune; "ill omens"; "ill predictions"; "my
          words with inauspicious thunderings shook heaven"-
          P.B.Shelley; "a dead and ominous silence prevailed"; "a
          by-election at a time highly unpropitious for the
          Government" [syn: {ill}, {ominous}]

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  102 Moby Thesaurus words for "inauspicious":
     apocalyptic, bad, badly off, baleful, baneful, black, bodeful,
     boding, criminal, dark, depressed, dire, donsie, doomful, dreary,
     evil, evil-starred, fatal, fateful, foreboding, fortuneless,
     funest, gloomy, hapless, ill, ill off, ill-boding, ill-considered,
     ill-fated, ill-omened, ill-seasoned, ill-starred, ill-timed,
     improper, in adverse circumstances, inaccurate, inappropriate,
     inconvenient, inexpedient, infelicitous, inferior, inopportune,
     intempestive, intrusive, invalid, irrelevant, late, lowering,
     luckless, mal a propos, malapropos, malevolent, menacing, mistimed,
     of evil portent, off base, ominous, out of line, out of luck,
     out of phase, out of time, peccant, planet-struck, portending,
     portentous, premature, sad, short of luck, sinful, sinister,
     somber, star-crossed, threatening, too late, too soon, unbefitting,
     unblessed, underprivileged, unfavorable, unfit, unfitting,
     unfortunate, unhandy, unhappy, unhealthy, unkind, unlucky,
     unpleasant, unpromising, unpropitious, unprosperous,
     unprovidential, unready, unripe, unseasonable, unskillful,
     unsuitable, untimely, untoward, vicious, wicked, wrong

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