Inaugural definition


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4 definitions found

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Inaugural \In*au"gu*ral\, a. [Cf. F. inaugural.]
     Pertaining to, or performed or pronounced at, an
     inauguration; as, an inaugural address; the inaugural
     [1913 Webster]

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Inaugural \In*au"gu*ral\, n.
     An inaugural address. [U.S.]
     [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       adj 1: occurring at or characteristic of a formal investiture or
              induction; "the President's inaugural address"; "an
              inaugural ball" [ant: {exaugural}]
       2: serving to set in motion; "the magazine's inaugural issue";
          "the initiative phase in the negotiations"; "an initiatory
          step toward a treaty"; "his first (or maiden) speech in
          Congress"; "the liner's maiden voyage" [syn: {initiative},
           {initiatory}, {first}, {maiden}]
       n 1: an address delivered at an inaugural ceremony (especially by
            a United States president) [syn: {inaugural address}]
       2: the ceremonial induction into a position; "the new president
          obviously enjoyed his inauguration" [syn: {inauguration}]

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  148 Moby Thesaurus words for "inaugural":
     abecedarian, aboriginal, address, advanced, after-dinner speech,
     allocution, antecedent, antenatal, anterior, autochthonous,
     avant-garde, baccalaureate service, beginning, budding,
     celebration, ceremonial, ceremony, chalk talk, chief, commencement,
     convocation, creative, debate, declamation, diatribe, elemental,
     elementary, embryonic, empty formality, eulogy, exercise,
     exercises, exhortation, exordial, exploratory, fetal, filibuster,
     first, foremost, forensic, forensic address, formal, formal speech,
     formality, formative, foundational, function, fundamental,
     funeral oration, gestatory, graduation, graduation exercises,
     harangue, headmost, hortatory address, in embryo, in its infancy,
     in the bud, inaugural address, inauguration, inceptive, inchoate,
     inchoative, incipient, incunabular, induction, infant, infantile,
     initial, initiation, initiative, initiatory, installation,
     introductory, invective, inventive, investiture, jeremiad, leading,
     liturgy, mummery, nascent, natal, observance, office, oration,
     original, parturient, pep talk, performance, peroration, philippic,
     pitch, postnatal, precedent, preceding, precessional, precursory,
     prefatory, pregnant, preliminary, preludial, prelusive, prenatal,
     preparatory, prepared speech, prepared text, prevenient, primal,
     primary, prime, primeval, primitive, primogenial, prior,
     procreative, proemial, propaedeutic, public speech, reading,
     recital, recitation, religious ceremony, rite, rite de passage,
     rite of passage, ritual, rudimental, rudimentary, sales talk,
     salutatory, salutatory address, say, screed, service, set speech,
     solemnity, solemnization, speech, speechification, speeching, talk,
     talkathon, tirade, ur, valediction, valedictory,
     valedictory address

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