Inadmissible definition


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From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Inadmissible \In`ad*mis"si*ble\, a. [Pref. in- not + admissible:
     cf. F. inadmissible.]
     Not admissible; not proper to be admitted, allowed, or
     received; as, inadmissible testimony; an inadmissible
     proposition, or explanation. -- {In`ad*mis"si*bly}, adv.

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       adj : not deserving to be admitted; "inadmissible evidence" [ant:

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  94 Moby Thesaurus words for "inadmissible":
     adrift, beside the mark, beside the point, beside the question,
     ethnocentric, exceptionable, exceptional, excluding, exclusive,
     exclusory, extraneous, extrinsic, ill-adapted, ill-assorted,
     ill-chosen, ill-favored, ill-fitted, ill-matched, ill-sorted,
     ill-suited, ill-timed, immaterial, impertinent, impossible,
     improper, inapplicable, inapposite, inappropriate, inapt,
     incidental, inconsequent, indefensible, inept, infelicitous,
     insular, intolerable, irrelative, irrelevant, mal a propos,
     maladjusted, malapropos, misjoined, mismatched, mismated,
     misplaced, narrow, nihil ad rem, nonessential, not at issue,
     objectionable, off the subject, out of character, out of joint,
     out of keeping, out of line, out of place, out of proportion,
     out of season, out of time, out of tune, out-of-the-way,
     parenthetical, parochial, preclusive, prescriptive, preventive,
     prohibitive, restrictive, seclusive, segregative, select,
     selective, separative, snobbish, unacceptable, unadapted, unapt,
     unbecoming, unbefitting, undesirable, unessential, unfit, unfitted,
     unfitting, unqualified, unseasonable, unseemly, unsuitable,
     unsuited, untenable, untimely, unwanted, unwelcome, xenophobic

From Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856) [bouvier]:

  INADMISSIBLE. What cannot be received. Parol evidence, for example, is 
  inadmissible to contradict a written agreement. 

From THE DEVIL'S DICTIONARY ((C)1911 Released April 15 1993) [devils]:

  INADMISSIBLE, adj.  Not competent to be considered.  Said of certain
  kinds of testimony which juries are supposed to be unfit to be
  entrusted with, and which judges, therefore, rule out, even of
  proceedings before themselves alone.  Hearsay evidence is inadmissible
  because the person quoted was unsworn and is not before the court for
  examination; yet most momentous actions, military, political,
  commercial and of every other kind, are daily undertaken on hearsay
  evidence.  There is no religion in the world that has any other basis
  than hearsay evidence.  Revelation is hearsay evidence; that the
  Scriptures are the word of God we have only the testimony of men long
  dead whose identity is not clearly established and who are not known
  to have been sworn in any sense.  Under the rules of evidence as they
  now exist in this country, no single assertion in the Bible has in its
  support any evidence admissible in a court of law.  It cannot be
  proved that the battle of Blenheim ever was fought, that there was
  such as person as Julius Caesar, such an empire as Assyria.
      But as records of courts of justice are admissible, it can easily
  be proved that powerful and malevolent magicians once existed and were
  a scourge to mankind.  The evidence (including confession) upon which
  certain women were convicted of witchcraft and executed was without a
  flaw; it is still unimpeachable.  The judges' decisions based on it
  were sound in logic and in law.  Nothing in any existing court was
  ever more thoroughly proved than the charges of witchcraft and sorcery
  for which so many suffered death.  If there were no witches, human
  testimony and human reason are alike destitute of value.

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