Impalpable definition


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3 definitions found

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Impalpable \Im*pal"pa*ble\, a. [Pref. im- not + palpable: cf. F.
     1. Not palpable; that cannot be felt; extremely fine, so that
        no grit can be perceived by touch. "Impalpable powder."
        [1913 Webster]

     2. Not material; intangible; incorporeal. "Impalpable, void,
        and bodiless." --Holland.
        [1913 Webster]
     3. Not apprehensible, or readily apprehensible, by the mind;
        unreal; as, impalpable distinctions.
        [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       adj 1: incapable of being perceived by the senses especially the
              sense of touch; "the intangible constituent of
              energy"- James Jeans [syn: {intangible}] [ant: {tangible}]
       2: imperceptible to the senses or the mind; "an impalpable
          cloud"; "impalpable shadows"; "impalpable distinctions";
          "as impalpable as a dream" [ant: {palpable}]
       3: not perceptible to the touch; "an impalpable pulse"

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  99 Moby Thesaurus words for "impalpable":
     airy, asomatous, astral, atomic, bodiless, branny, chalklike,
     chalky, comminute, comminuted, corpuscular, crushed, decarnate,
     decarnated, detrital, detrited, discarnate, disembodied,
     disintegrated, dusty, efflorescent, embryonic, ethereal,
     evanescent, extramundane, farinaceous, fine, flaky, floury,
     furfuraceous, germinal, ghostly, gone to dust, granular, grated,
     ground, immaterial, imperceptible, imponderable, inappreciable,
     incorporate, incorporeal, indiscernible, infinitesimal, insensible,
     insubstantial, intangible, invisible, levigated, mealy,
     microcosmic, microscopic, milled, molecular, nonmaterial,
     nonphysical, nonsubstantial, occult, otherworldly, pestled,
     phantom, powdered, powdery, psychic, pulverant, pulverized,
     pulverulent, reduced to powder, scaly, scobicular, scobiform,
     scurfy, shadowy, sharded, shredded, spiritual, subatomic,
     supernatural, tenuous, thin, transmundane, triturated,
     ultramicroscopic, unapparent, unappreciable, unconcrete, unearthly,
     unembodied, unextended, unfleshly, unobservable, unperceivable,
     unphysical, unseeable, unsolid, unsubstanced, unsubstantial,
     unworldly, weightless

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