Immediate definition


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3 definitions found

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Immediate \Im*me"di*ate\, a. [F. imm['e]diat. See {In-} not, and
     1. Not separated in respect to place by anything intervening;
        proximate; close; as, immediate contact.
        [1913 Webster]

              You are the most immediate to our throne. --Shak.
        [1913 Webster]
     2. Not deferred by an interval of time; present; instant.
        "Assemble we immediate council." --Shak.
        [1913 Webster]
              Death . . . not yet inflicted, as he feared,
              By some immediate stroke.             --Milton.
        [1913 Webster]
     3. Acting with nothing interposed or between, or without the
        intervention of another object as a cause, means, or
        agency; acting, perceived, or produced, directly; as, an
        immediate cause.
        [1913 Webster]
              The immediate knowledge of the past is therefore
              impossible.                           --Sir. W.
        [1913 Webster]
     {Immediate amputation} (Surg.), an amputation performed
        within the first few hours after an injury, and before the
        the effects of the shock have passed away.
     Syn: Proximate; close; direct; next.
          [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       adj 1: very close or connected in space or time; "contiguous
              events"; "immediate contact"; "the immediate
              vicinity"; "the immediate past" [syn: {contiguous}]
       2: having no intervening medium; "an immediate influence" [ant:
       3: immediately before or after as in a chain of cause and
          effect; "the immediate result"; "the immediate cause of
          the trouble"
       4: of the present time and place; "the immediate revisions"
       5: performed with little or no delay; "an immediate reply to my
          letter"; "prompt obedience"; "was quick to respond"; "a
          straightaway denial" [syn: {prompt}, {quick}, {straightaway}]

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  198 Moby Thesaurus words for "immediate":
     about to be, abrupt, accessible, actual, adjacent, adjoining,
     alert, already in sight, approaching, apt, articulated, as is,
     at hand, attendant, automatic, available, being, bordering,
     brewing, catenated, ceaseless, close, close at hand, closest,
     coming, concatenated, connected, connecting, constant,
     contemporaneous, contemporary, conterminous, contiguous, continual,
     continued, continuing, continuous, coterminous, current, cursory,
     cyclical, decisive, direct, end to end, endless, endways, endwise,
     existent, existing, expeditious, extant, face to face, featureless,
     festinate, feverish, firsthand, flying, forthcoming, fresh,
     furious, future, gapless, gathering, going to happen, hair-trigger,
     hasty, hurried, immanent, imminent, impendent, impending,
     in danger imminent, in prospect, in reserve, in store,
     in the cards, in the offing, in the wind, in view, incessant,
     indwelling, inherent, instant, instantaneous, instinctive,
     interminable, irreversible, joined, jointless, juxtaposed,
     juxtapositional, juxtapositive, last-minute, latest,
     lightning-like, linked, looming, lowering, lurking, menacing,
     modern, momentaneous, momentary, monotonous, near, near at hand,
     nearby, nearest, nearing, nearmost, neighbor, neighboring,
     never-ending, new, next, nigh, nighest, nonstop, on board, on deck,
     on hand, on the horizon, on the spot, one-way, overhanging,
     passing, perennial, periodic, preparing, present, present-age,
     present-day, present-time, pressing, presto, primary, prompt,
     proximate, punctual, quick, quick as lightning, quick as thought,
     ready, recurrent, reflex, repetitive, round-the-clock, running,
     seamless, serried, slap-bang, slapdash, smooth, snap, speedy,
     spontaneous, stable, steady, straight, straightaway,
     straightforward, straightway, sudden, summary, superficial, swift,
     that be, that is, that will be, threatening, to come, topical,
     twenty-four-hour, unbroken, unceasing, undeviating,
     undifferentiated, unending, unhesitating, unidirectional, uniform,
     unintermitted, unintermittent, unintermitting, uninterrupted,
     unrelieved, unremitting, unstopped, unswerving, unthinking,
     up-to-date, up-to-the-minute, upcoming, urgent, waiting,
     within call, within reach, within sight

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