Idealistic definition


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3 definitions found

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Idealistic \I*de`al*is"tic\, a.
     Of or pertaining to idealists or their theories.
     [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       adj 1: of or relating to the philosophical doctrine of the reality
              of ideas [syn: {ideal}]
       2: of high moral or intellectual value; elevated in nature or
          style; "an exalted ideal"; "argue in terms of high-flown
          ideals"- Oliver Franks; "a noble and lofty concept" [syn:
          {exalted}, {high-flown}, {high-minded}, {lofty}, {rarefied},
           {rarified}, {noble-minded}]

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  101 Moby Thesaurus words for "idealistic":
     Berkeleian, Cyrenaic, Eleatic, Epicurean, Hegelian, Kantian,
     Megarian, Neoplatonic, Neoplatonistic, Platonic, Platonistic,
     Stoic, airy, animist, animistic, atomistic, autistic, big,
     bighearted, chivalrous, cosmotheistic, dereistic, eclectic,
     elevated, empirical, eudaemonistic, exalted, existential, generous,
     great, great of heart, greathearted, handsome, hedonic, hedonist,
     hedonistic, heroic, high, high-minded, humanist, humanistic,
     idealist, immaterialist, impractical, in the clouds,
     instrumentalist, knightly, largehearted, liberal, lofty,
     magnanimous, materialistic, mechanistic, metaphysical, monistic,
     naturalistic, noble, noble-minded, nominalist, openhanded,
     optimistic, otherworldly, panlogistical, panpsychist,
     panpsychistic, pantheistic, poetic, positivist, positivistic,
     pragmatic, pragmatist, princely, quixotic, rationalistic, realist,
     realistic, romancing, romantic, romanticized, scholastic,
     sensationalistic, solipsistic, spiritualist, spiritualistic,
     starry-eyed, storybook, sublime, syncretistic, theistic,
     transcendental, transcendentalist, transcendentalistic,
     transmundane, unpractical, unrealistic, utilitarian, visionary,
     vitalistic, voluntarist, voluntaristic, wish-fulfilling

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