Exquisite definition


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4 definitions found

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Exquisite \Ex"qui*site\, n.
     One who manifests an exquisite attention to external
     appearance; one who is overnice in dress or ornament; a fop;
     a dandy.
     [1913 Webster]

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Exquisite \Ex"qui*site\, a. [L. exquisitus, p. p. of exquirere
     to search out; ex out + quarere to seek, search. See
     1. Carefully selected or sought out; hence, of distinguishing
        and surpassing quality; exceedingly nice; delightfully
        excellent; giving rare satisfaction; as, exquisite
        [1913 Webster]
              Plate of rare device, and jewels
              Of reach and exquisite form.          --Shak.
        [1913 Webster]
              I have no exquisite reason for 't, but I have reason
              good enough.                          --Shak.
        [1913 Webster]
     2. Exceeding; extreme; keen; -- used in a bad or a good
        sense; as, exquisite pain or pleasure.
        [1913 Webster]
     3. Of delicate perception or close and accurate
        discrimination; not easy to satisfy; exact; nice;
        fastidious; as, exquisite judgment, taste, or discernment.
        [1913 Webster]
              His books of Oriental languages, wherein he was
              exquisite.                            --Fuller.
     Syn: Nice; delicate; exact; refined; choice; rare; matchless;
          consummate; perfect.
          [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       adj 1: intense or sharp; "suffered exquisite pain"; "felt exquisite
              pleasure" [syn: {keen}]
       2: lavishly elegant and refined [syn: {recherche}]
       3: of delicate composition and artistry; "a dainty teacup"; "an
          exquisite cameo" [syn: {dainty}]
       4: of extreme beauty; "her exquisite face"

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  210 Moby Thesaurus words for "exquisite":
     Beau Brummel, accurate, acute, aesthetic, aesthetically appealing,
     agreeable, ambrosial, appealing, attentive, attractive, beauteous,
     beautiful, bewitching, blood, braw, buck, captivating, charming,
     chic, classy, close, clothes-conscious, conscientious, consummate,
     correct, cosmopolitan, coxcomb, critical, dainty, dandy, dapper,
     dashing, delectable, delicat, delicate, delicious, delightful,
     demanding, detailed, divine, dressed to advantage, dressed to kill,
     dude, elegant, enchanting, endowed with beauty, engaging,
     enravishing, enthralling, entrancing, errorless, euphemistic,
     euphuistic, exact, exacting, excruciating, exigent, extreme,
     eye-filling, fascinating, faultless, fetching, fine, finical,
     finicking, finicky, finished, flawless, flowerlike, fop,
     formalistic, fussy, genteel, gilt-edged, glorious, golden, good,
     good to eat, good-tasting, goody good-good, goody-goody, graceful,
     gracile, gustable, gusty, handsome, heart-robbing, heavenly, heavy,
     immaculate, immense, impeccable, intense, intriguing, inviting,
     irreproachable, irresistible, jaunty, juicy, keen, likable,
     lounge lizard, lovely, luscious, lush, luxurious, macaroni,
     magnificent, marvelous, meticulous, mincing, minute, namby-pamby,
     narrow, natty, neat, nectareous, nectarous, nice, nifty, nobby,
     of gourmet quality, overnice, overprecise, overrefined, palatable,
     particular, pedantic, pleasing, poignant, posh, precieuse,
     precious, precise, precisian, precisianistic, precisionistic,
     prepossessing, pretty, pulchritudinous, punctilious, punctual,
     puristic, rare, ravishing, recherche, refined, religious, rigid,
     rigorous, ritzy, sapid, savorous, savory, scrumptious, scrupulous,
     scrutinizing, select, sensational, sensuous, sharp, simpering,
     sleek, smart, smug, snazzy, soigne, soignee, sophisticated, spiffy,
     splendid, splendiferous, spruce, sterling, strict, style-conscious,
     subtle, succulent, super, superb, supereminent, superexcellent,
     superfine, superior, superlative, swank, swanky, swell, taking,
     tantalizing, tasty, tempting, terrific, thrilling, titillative,
     toothsome, transcending, tremendous, tricksy, trig, trim, vivid,
     voluptuous, well-dressed, well-groomed, winning, winsome, witching,
     wonderful, yummy

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