Expected definition


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From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Expect \Ex*pect"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Expected}; p. pr. & vb.
     n. {Expecting}.] [L. expectatum, to look out for, await,
     expect; ex + out spectare to look at. See {Spectacle}.]
     1. To wait for; to await. [Obs.]
        [1913 Webster]

              Let's in, and there expect their coming. --Shak.
        [1913 Webster]
     2. To look for (mentally); to look forward to, as to
        something that is believed to be about to happen or come;
        to have a previous apprehension of, whether of good or
        evil; to look for with some confidence; to anticipate; --
        often followed by an infinitive, sometimes by a clause
        (with, or without, that); as, I expect to receive wages; I
        expect that the troops will be defeated. "Good: I will
        expect you." --Shak. "Expecting thy reply." --Shak.
        [1913 Webster]
              The Somersetshire or yellow regiment . . . was
              expected to arrive on the following day. --Macaulay.
     Syn: To anticipate; look for; await; hope.
     Usage: To {Expect}, {Think}, {Believe}, {Await}. Expect is a
            mental act and has aways a reference to the future, to
            some coming event; as a person expects to die, or he
            expects to survive. Think and believe have reference
            to the past and present, as well as to the future; as
            I think the mail has arrived; I believe he came home
            yesterday, that he is he is at home now. There is a
            not uncommon use of expect, which is a confusion of
            the two; as, I expect the mail has arrived; I expect
            he is at home. This misuse should be avoided. Await is
            a physical or moral act. We await that which, when it
            comes, will affect us personally. We expect what may,
            or may not, interest us personally. See {Anticipate}.
            [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       adj 1: considered likely or probable to happen or arrive; "prepared
              for the expected attack" [ant: {unexpected}]
       2: looked forward to as probable
       3: expected to become or be; in prospect; "potential clients";
          "expected income" [syn: {likely}, {potential}]

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  35 Moby Thesaurus words for "expected":
     anticipated, awaited, aweless, calm, composed, cool, due,
     expecting, foreseen, hoped-for, imminent, in prospect, in view,
     inexcitable, long-expected, on the horizon, overdue, presumed,
     probable, promised, prospective, unamazed, unastonished,
     unastounded, unawed, unbewildered, undazed, undazzled,
     undumbfounded, unimpressed, unmarveling, unmoved, unsurprised,
     unwondering, wonderless

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