Enchantment definition


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3 definitions found

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Enchantment \En*chant"ment\, n. [F. enchantement.]
     1. The act of enchanting; the production of certain wonderful
        effects by the aid of demons, or the agency of supposed
        spirits; the use of magic arts, spells, or charms;
        [1913 Webster]

              After the last enchantment you did here. --Shak.
        [1913 Webster]
     2. The effect produced by the act; the state of being
        enchanted; as, to break an enchantment.
        [1913 Webster]
     3. That which captivates the heart and senses; an influence
        or power which fascinates or highly delights.
        [1913 Webster]
              Such an enchantment as there is in words. --South.
     Syn: Incantation; necromancy; magic; sorcery; witchcraft;
          spell; charm; fascination; witchery.
          [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       n 1: a feeling of great liking for something wonderful and
            unusual [syn: {captivation}, {enthrallment}, {fascination}]
       2: a psychological state induced by (or as if induced by) a
          magical incantation [syn: {spell}, {trance}]
       3: a magical spell [syn: {bewitchment}]

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  207 Moby Thesaurus words for "enchantment":
     Jonah, affection, affectionateness, agacerie, alchemy, allure,
     allurement, amativeness, amorousness, appeal, appealingness,
     ascendancy, attraction, attractiveness, authority, bad influence,
     beatification, beatitude, bedevilment, beguilement, beguiling,
     bewitchery, bewitchment, blandishment, blessedness, bliss,
     blissfulness, cajolery, captivation, charisma, charm, charmingness,
     cheer, cheerfulness, cloud nine, clout, come-hither, conjuration,
     consequence, control, credit, curse, delectation, delight,
     delightfulness, demonstrativeness, divination, dominance,
     domination, ecstasy, ecstatics, effect, elation, eminence,
     enravishment, enthrallment, enticement, entrancement, entrapment,
     esteem, evil eye, evil genius, evil star, exaltation, exhilaration,
     exquisiteness, exuberance, fantasy, fascination, favor, felicity,
     ferlie, fetishism, flirtation, forbidden fruit, force, gaiety,
     gladness, glamour, glee, goatishness, good feeling, grace,
     gramarye, happiness, heaven, hex, high spirits, hold, hoodoo,
     horniness, ill wind, illusion, importance, incantation,
     incidental power, inducement, influence, influentiality,
     insinuation, interest, intoxication, inveiglement, invitation,
     invitingness, jinx, joy, joyance, joyfulness, juju, jujuism,
     leadership, leverage, loveliness, lovelornness, lovesickness,
     luxury, magic, magnetism, malevolent influence, malocchio, mastery,
     maya, mesmerism, miracle, moment, natural magic, necromancy, obeah,
     obsession, overhappiness, overjoyfulness, paradise, personality,
     persuasion, possession, potency, power, predominance,
     preponderance, pressure, prestige, prodigy, purchase, rapture,
     ravishment, reign, repute, romanticism, rule, rune, say,
     seducement, seduction, seductiveness, sensuousness, sentimentality,
     seventh heaven, sex appeal, sexiness, shamanism, sign, snaring,
     sorcery, sortilege, spell, spellbinding, spellcasting, suasion,
     subtle influence, suggestion, sunshine, supremacy, susceptibility,
     sway, sympathetic magic, tantalization, tantalizingness,
     temptation, temptingness, thaumaturgia, thaumaturgics,
     thaumaturgism, thaumaturgy, theurgy, transport,
     unalloyed happiness, upper hand, vampirism, voluptuousness, voodoo,
     voodooism, wanga, weight, whammy, whip hand, white magic,
     winning ways, winningness, winsomeness, witchcraft, witchery,
     witchwork, wizardry, wonder, wonderwork, wooing

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