Emotional definition


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3 definitions found

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Emotional \E*mo"tion*al\, a.
     Pertaining to, or characterized by, emotion; excitable;
     easily moved; sensational; as, an emotional nature.
     [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       adj 1: determined or actuated by emotion rather than reason; "it
              was an emotional judgment" [ant: {cerebral}]
       2: of more than usual emotion; "his behavior was highly
          emotional" [ant: {unemotional}]
       3: of or pertaining to emotion; "emotional health"; "an
          emotional crisis"
       4: extravagantly demonstrative; "insincere and effusive
          demonstrations of sentimental friendship"; "a large
          gushing female"; "write unrestrained and gushy poetry"
          [syn: {effusive}, {gushing(a)}, {gushy}]
       5: of persons; excessively affected by emotion; "he would
          become emotional over nothing at all"; "she was worked up
          about all the noise" [syn: {aroused}, {excited}, {worked

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  82 Moby Thesaurus words for "emotional":
     affecting, affectional, affective, agitable, agitated, ardent,
     characteristic, constitutional, demonstrative, dispositional, edgy,
     emote, emotiometabolic, emotiomotor, emotionable, emotionalize,
     emotionally unstable, emotiovascular, emotive, enthusiastic,
     eruptive, excitable, excited, explosive, feeling, fervent, fervid,
     frantic, glandular, gut, heartfelt, heated, high-mettled,
     high-spirited, high-strung, highly emotional, hotheaded,
     hysterical, impassioned, inflammable, innate, intellectual,
     irascible, irrational, irritable, mental, mettlesome, moving,
     nervous, of soul, overdemonstrative, passionate, perturbable,
     poignant, prickly, ranting, responsive, rhapsodic, rhapsodical,
     sensitive, sentient, sentimental, skittish, softhearted, soulful,
     spiritual, startlish, stirring, susceptible, susceptive,
     sympathetic, temperamental, tender, tense, touching, touchy,
     visceral, volatile, volcanic, warm, wild, zealous

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