Electricity definition


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From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Electricity \E`lec*tric"i*ty\ ([=e]`l[e^]k*tr[i^]s"[i^]*t[y^]),
     n.; pl. {Electricities} ([=e]`l[e^]k*tr[i^]s"[i^]*t[i^]z).
     [Cf. F. ['e]lectricit['e]. See {Electric}.]
     1. (Physics) a property of certain of the fundamental
        particles of which matter is composed, called also
        {electric charge}, and being of two types, designated

        positive and negative; the property of electric charge on
        a particle or physical body creates a force field which
        affects other particles or bodies possessing electric
        charge; positive charges create a repulsive force between
        them, and negative charges also create a repulsive force.
        A positively charged body and a negatively charged body
        will create an attractive force between them. The unit of
        electrical charge is the {coulomb}, and the intensity of
        the force field at any point is measured in {volts}.
     2. any of several phenomena associated with the accumulation
        or movement of electrically charged particles within
        material bodies, classified as {static electricity} and
        {electric current}. Static electricity is often observed
        in everyday life, when it causes certain materials to
        cling together; when sufficient static charge is
        accumulated, an electric current may pass through the air
        between two charged bodies, and is observed as a visible
        spark; when the spark passes from a human body to another
        object it may be felt as a mild to strong painful
        sensation. Electricity in the form of electric current is
        put to many practical uses in electrical and electronic
        devices. Lightning is also known to be a form of electric
        current passing between clouds and the ground, or between
        two clouds. Electric currents may produce heat, light,
        concussion, and often chemical changes when passed between
        objects or through any imperfectly conducting substance or
        space. Accumulation of electrical charge or generation of
        a voltage differnce between two parts of a complex object
        may be caused by any of a variety of disturbances of
        molecular equilibrium, whether from a chemical, physical,
        or mechanical, cause. Electric current in metals and most
        other solid coductors is carried by the movement of
        electrons from one part of the metal to another. In ionic
        solutions and in semiconductors, other types of movement
        of charged particles may be responsible for the observed
        electrical current.
     Note: Electricity is manifested under following different
           forms: (a)
     {Statical electricity}, called also
     {Frictional electricity} or {Common electricity}, electricity
        in the condition of a stationary charge, in which the
        disturbance is produced by friction, as of glass, amber,
        etc., or by induction. (b)
     {Dynamical electricity}, called also
     {Voltaic electricity}, electricity in motion, or as a current
        produced by chemical decomposition, as by means of a
        voltaic battery, or by mechanical action, as by
        dynamo-electric machines. (c)
     {Thermoelectricity}, in which the disturbing cause is heat
        (attended possibly with some chemical action). It is
        developed by uniting two pieces of unlike metals in a bar,
        and then heating the bar unequally. (d)
     {Atmospheric electricity}, any condition of electrical
        disturbance in the atmosphere or clouds, due to some or
        all of the above mentioned causes. (e)
     {Magnetic electricity}, electricity developed by the action
        of magnets. (f)
     {Positive electricity}, the electricity that appears at the
        positive pole or anode of a battery, or that is produced
        by friction of glass; -- called also {vitreous
        electricity}. (g)
     {Negative electricity}, the electricity that appears at the
        negative pole or cathode, or is produced by the friction
        of resinous substance; -- called also resinous
        electricity. (h)
     {Organic electricity}, that which is developed in organic
        structures, either animal or vegetable, the phrase animal
        electricity being much more common.
        [1913 Webster]
     3. The science which studies the phenomena and laws of
        electricity; electrical science.
        [1913 Webster]
     4. Fig.: excitement, anticipation, or emotional tension,
        usually caused by the occurrence or expectation of
        something unusual or important.

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       n 1: a physical phenomenon associated with stationary or moving
            electrons and protons
       2: energy made available by the flow of electric charge through
          a conductor; "they built a car that runs on electricity"
          [syn: {electrical energy}]
       3: keen and shared excitement; "the stage crackled with
          electricity whenever she was on it"

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  84 Moby Thesaurus words for "electricity":
     TelAutography, Teletype, Teletype network, Teletyping, antelope,
     ardor, arrow, benzine, blue darter, blue streak, cannonball,
     closed-circuit telegraphy, coal oil, code, courser, dart,
     duplex telegraphy, eagle, energy, excitement, express train,
     facsimile telegraph, fervency, flash, gas, gasoline, gazelle,
     greased lightning, greyhound, hare, illuminant, illuminating gas,
     intensity, interrupter, jet plane, kerosene, key, light,
     light source, lightning, luminant, mercury, multiplex telegraphy,
     news ticker, oil, paraffin, petrol, petroleum,
     quadruplex telegraphy, quicksilver, railroad telegraphy, receiver,
     rocket, scared rabbit, sender, shot, simplex telegraphy,
     single-current telegraphy, sounder, stock ticker, streak,
     streak of lightning, striped snake, submarine telegraphy, swallow,
     telegraphics, telegraphy, teleprinter, teletypewriter,
     teletypewriting, telex, tenseness, tension, thought, thunderbolt,
     ticker, torrent, transmitter, typotelegraph, typotelegraphy, verve,
     vibrations, wind, wire service

From THE DEVIL'S DICTIONARY ((C)1911 Released April 15 1993) [devils]:

  ELECTRICITY, n.  The power that causes all natural phenomena not known
  to be caused by something else.  It is the same thing as lightning,
  and its famous attempt to strike Dr. Franklin is one of the most
  picturesque incidents in that great and good man's career.  The memory
  of Dr. Franklin is justly held in great reverence, particularly in
  France, where a waxen effigy of him was recently on exhibition,
  bearing the following touching account of his life and services to
          "Monsieur Franqulin, inventor of electricity.  This
      illustrious savant, after having made several voyages around the
      world, died on the Sandwich Islands and was devoured by savages,
      of whom not a single fragment was ever recovered."
      Electricity seems destined to play a most important part in the
  arts and industries.  The question of its economical application to
  some purposes is still unsettled, but experiment has already proved
  that it will propel a street car better than a gas jet and give more
  light than a horse.

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