Cachet definition


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3 definitions found

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Cachet \Cach"et\, n. [F. fr. cacher to hide.]
     A seal, as of a letter.
     [1913 Webster]
     {Lettre de cachet} [F.], a sealed letter, especially a letter
        or missive emanating from the sovereign; -- much used in

        France before the Revolution as an arbitrary order of
        [1913 Webster] Cachexia

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       n 1: an indication of approved or superior status [syn: {seal}, {seal
            of approval}]
       2: a warrant formerly issued by a French king who could warrant
          imprisonment or death in a signed letter under his seal
          [syn: {lettre de cachet}]
       3: a seal on a letter

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  89 Moby Thesaurus words for "cachet":
     aroma, attribute, badge, billhead, book stamp, bookplate, brand,
     broad arrow, cast, character, characteristic, check, colophon,
     configuration, counterfoil, countermark, cut, differentia,
     differential, dignity, distinction, distinctive feature, docket,
     earmark, feature, figure, flavor, government mark,
     government stamp, gust, hallmark, identification, idiocrasy,
     idiosyncrasy, importance, impress, impression, imprint, index,
     individualism, keynote, label, letterhead, lineaments, logo,
     logotype, mannerism, mark, marking, masthead, mold, nature, odor,
     particularity, peculiarity, plate, prestige, price tag, prominence,
     property, quality, quirk, registered trademark, running head,
     running title, savor, seal, shape, sigil, signet, singularity,
     smack, specialty, stamp, sticker, stub, tag, taint, tally, tang,
     taste, ticket, title page, token, trade name, trademark,
     trademark name, trait, trick

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