Brutal definition


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3 definitions found

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Brutal \Bru"tal\, a. [Cf. F. brutal. See {Brute}, a.]
     1. Of or pertaining to a brute; as, brutal nature. "Above the
        rest of brutal kind." --Milton.
        [1913 Webster]
     2. Like a brute; savage; cruel; inhuman; brutish; unfeeling;

        merciless; gross; as, brutal manners. "Brutal
        intemperance." --Macaulay.
        [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       adj 1: (of weapons or instruments) causing suffering and pain;
              "brutal instruments of torture"; "cruel weapons of
              war" [syn: {cruel}]
       2: (of persons or their actions) able or disposed to inflict
          pain or suffering; "a barbarous crime"; "brutal beatings";
          "cruel tortures"; "Stalin's roughshod treatment of the
          kulaks"; "a savage slap"; "vicious kicks" [syn: {barbarous},
           {cruel}, {fell}, {roughshod}, {savage}, {vicious}]
       3: used of circumstances (especially weather) that cause
          suffering; "brutal weather"; "northern winters can be
          cruel"; "a cruel world"; "a harsh climate"; "a rigorous
          climate"; "unkind winters" [syn: {cruel}, {harsh}, {rigorous},

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thes]:

  242 Moby Thesaurus words for "brutal":
     Adamic, Circean, Draconian, Gothic, Herculean, Neanderthal,
     Tartarean, abominable, abstruse, animal, animalian, animalic,
     animalistic, anthropophagous, arduous, arrant, atrocious, awful,
     baneful, barbarian, barbaric, barbarous, base, beastlike, beastly,
     beneath contempt, bestial, bitter, blameworthy, bloodthirsty,
     bloody, bloody-minded, bodily, boorish, brutalized, brute,
     brutelike, brutish, cannibalistic, carnal, carnal-minded, coarse,
     cold-blooded, complex, contemptible, crass, critical, crude, cruel,
     cruel-hearted, deadly, death-bringing, deathful, deathly, delicate,
     demanding, demoniac, demoniacal, deplorable, despicable,
     destructive, detestable, devilish, diabolic, difficile, difficult,
     dire, disgusting, dreadful, dumb, earthy, egregious, enormous,
     exacting, fallen, fatal, fell, feral, ferine, ferocious, fetid,
     fiendish, fiendlike, fierce, filthy, flagrant, fleshly, formidable,
     foul, fulsome, grievous, gross, hairy, hard, hard-earned,
     hard-fought, harsh, hateful, heartless, heinous, hellish, horrible,
     horrid, ill-bred, ill-mannered, impolite, inclement, infamous,
     infernal, inhuman, inhumane, insensitive, instinctive, instinctual,
     intemperate, internecine, intricate, jawbreaking, kill-crazy,
     killing, knotted, knotty, laborious, lamentable, lapsed, lethal,
     loathsome, lousy, malign, malignant, material, materialistic, mean,
     merciless, mindless, monstrous, mortal, murderous, nasty,
     nefarious, no picnic, noisome, noncivilized, nonrational,
     nonspiritual, not easy, notorious, obnoxious, odious, offensive,
     operose, orgiastic, outlandish, outrageous, pernicious, physical,
     pitiable, pitiful, pitiless, postlapsarian, primitive, rank,
     regrettable, remorseless, reprehensible, repulsive, rigorous,
     rotten, rough, rough-and-ready, rude, rugged, rustic, ruthless,
     sad, sadistic, sanguinary, sanguineous, satanic, savage,
     scandalous, schlock, scurvy, set with thorns, severe, shabby,
     shameful, sharkish, shocking, shoddy, slavering, sordid, spiny,
     squalid, steep, strenuous, subhuman, swinish, tameless, terrible,
     thorny, ticklish, toilsome, too bad, tough, tricky, troglodytic,
     truculent, unchristian, uncivil, uncivilized, unclean, uncombed,
     uncouth, uncultivated, uncultured, unfeeling, ungentle, unhuman,
     unkempt, unkind, unlicked, unpolished, unrefined, unspiritual,
     unsympathetic, untamed, uphill, vicious, vile, villainous,
     virulent, wicked, wild, woeful, wolfish, worst, worthless,
     wretched, zoic, zooidal, zoologic

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